Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Brechfa Raven Trail

Its great having these light evenings, after a day of slacking and flying the kite I met Tam and Oli for an afterwork ride on the new trail up at Brechfa. It was really good other than swarms of pesky midgies and a stupid crash early on in the ride. The crash was a beauty involving some horrendously gnarly northshore skinnies which were nearly a foot wide and prob a foot and a half off the ground, totally full on stuff! Anyway it caught me off gaurd and sent me over the handle bars a few time with my leg wrapped round the bar, no idea what my feet were really doing up there. The crash managed to cause both my brake hoses to unscrew themselves dripping fluid everywhere. This is pretty miraculous I can only assume someone has a grudge on me and took a spanner to the brakes, how I had the dexterity in my feet to perform such an act to both hoses is just totally implausible. A bit of trailside bodging and the BFe was back on the trail and all in all a great ride. I am loving the last section down to the car park the trail has loads of large woops smashing up and down around trees. The mission is to ride it death grip and with no peddaling, it is a great challenge for keeping momentum going.


cy@cotic said...

I rode Brechfa a couple of weeks ago and it was sweet on my Soul. Loved those massive bermed corners and flowy, no brake sections. I had a local guiding so we wove a couple of the Red downhills into the Black route, and they are superb as well. Shame it's so far from me up here in Sheffield, as it's definitely my favourite trail centre I've tried so far.

Robbie Rickman said...

Totally agree, this place has some amazing flowy sections, full on downhill and even some relatively lippy jumps. Everything that is needed from a trail. Perfect BFe territory in my opinion. Whats more its only about 40min outside Swansea!